Showing category "Coaching Circles" (Show all posts)

Salisbury Coaching Circle & NLP Group

Posted by Ross Nichols on Thursday, June 18, 2015, In : Coaching Circles 

The Salisbury Coaching Circle and NLP Group meets on the last Thursday of each month (except July, August and December) in the Tesco Community Room, Tesco Supermarket, Southampton Rd, Salisbury, SP1 2NY.  All coaches, coach mentors/supervisors, NLP practitioners and anyone interested in finding out more about coaching and NLP are welcome.  The group is sponsored by the International Coach Federation (UK) however non members are welcome.  Register for the event by email: info@transitiontransfo...

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Salisbury Coaching Circle and NLP Group

Posted by Ross Nichols on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, In : Coaching Circles 

A new coaching circle and NLP group is to start meeting in Salisbury.  All coaches, coach mentors/supervisors, NLP practitioners and anyone interested in finding out more about coaching and NLP are welcome.

Founder Ross Nichols explained that meetings will take place once a month in the evening for about 2 hours.  The first hour will be a discussion on a coaching, NLP or business topic, followed by coaching triads (coach, client, observer) rotating after 15 minutes, then reconvene and wash-u...

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