Wellbeing For You Workshops in Salisbury

Posted by Ross Nichols on Monday, January 9, 2017 Under: wellbeing

Wellbeing For You Workshops in Salisbury

Are you dissatisfied with your life, your career or your health?  Do you want more out of life or simply feel that something isn’t quite right?  If you answered ‘yes’, you could improve your wellbeing by taking part in this series of 3 workshops.

The World Health Organisation’s description of health is,

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease.”

 The integrated approach to wellness recognises 6 dimensions of wellness: 

·    Physical

·      Psychological

·      Social

·      Environmental

·      Occupational

·      Spiritual

These dimensions are inter-related: a problem in one dimension will affect other dimensions of our wellness.  The integrated approach enables us to optimise our wellness.

These workshops are progressive and participants will get the most out of them by attending all 3 however they are also modular - each workshop is self-contained to provide flexibility in attendance:

·      Workshop 1 – Integrated Wellness.  This workshop will cover: mapping our wellbeing over time; identifying what affects our wellbeing; using the integrated wellness model; mindfulness meditation 1; and Personal Wellbeing Plan Part 1.

·      Workshop 2 – Emotional Intelligence.  This workshop will cover: introduction to emotional intelligence; emotional intelligence for wellbeing exercises; mindfulness meditation 2; and Personal Wellbeing Plan Part 2.

·      Workshop 3 – Spiritual Intelligence.  This workshop will cover: introduction to spiritual intelligence; spiritual intelligence for wellbeing exercises; mindfulness meditation 3; and Personal Wellbeing Plan Part 3.

Participants will come away from each workshop with their own Personal Wellbeing Plan to help them combine dimensions of wellness into a quality way of living. 

Here is the link for further information and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wellbeing-for-you-tickets-30886925626

In : wellbeing 

Tags: wellness wellbeing health