ICF (Salisbury) Chapter - starting soon!

Posted by Ross Nichols on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Under: Coaching
Hello to all aspiring coaches, coaches, coach mentors and coach supervisors!
The ICF (Salisbury) chapter has existed virtually for 2 years and I would like to kick start in person meetings in early 2015 to celebrate 20 years of the ICF.  The concept will be similar to the AC's co-coaching groups (coaching circles): meet monthly in the evening for 2 hours or so, first hour discussion on a coaching or business topic, followed by coaching triads (coach, client, observer) rotating after 15 minutes; re-convene and wash-up.  
This is a great way to network with other coaches, find your coach mentor/supervisor to help with accreditation and ongoing CPD, and to get some short sharp coaching practice in a safe environment. Non ICF members are welcome to attend up to 3 meetings as guests; thereafter you would normally be expected to join the ICF.
We don't have a venue yet so suggestions would be welcome: a community centre or social club would probably be ideal, with self help refreshments facilities.  The Chapter will be self funding so a low cost venue will help to keep the costs of attendance down.
Please get in touch if you have a suggested venue, or if you'd like to know more about the ICF (Salisbury) Chapter: info@transitiontransformers.co.uk.

In : Coaching 

Tags: coaching circles